Signature bank blockchain

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Signature bank's failure: solvent or Crypto-caused? #shorts
The demise of Signature, with assets of under $ billion, is a blow to many of the professional services firms that have come to rely on it. Signature's crypto division will remain with the FDIC-owned Signature Bridge Bank, and that includes Signet, a blockchain platform used by. Uncertainty surrounding the future of Signet, Signature Bridge Bank NA's blockchain payment platform, is causing some of its customers to.
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Market jitters and regulatory scrutiny will likely deter many banks, especially smaller ones, from taking on the risk and stigma of engaging with crypto at all. May spur buyers' interest Some see value in Signet and envision it being sold rather than shut down. And the Blockchain Association recently confirmed that it was investigating whether crypto firms were being ejected wholesale from US banking. In March, Signature Bank became the third-largest U.