Crypto italiane

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Conio, a crypto wallet provider backed by Poste Italiane and Banca Generali, and Coinbase, the largest crypto exchange in the US have joined. 10 Years of Decentralizing the Future Conio, a cryptocurrency wallet company partly owned by Poste Italiane and Banca Generali, has teamed up. Learn how Poste Italiane, the Italian postal service, leverages blockchain technology to create a customer loyalty rewards program. Discover how blockchain.
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The selection of forecasting techniques is based on the behavior of the relevant market. Ian Allison is an award-winning senior reporter at CoinDesk. Any transaction, be it earning points, exchanging them for tokens or purchasing a reward, happens through a smart contract. Customers can easily access their accounts and rewards, via a mobile app provided either by Poste Italiane or any of the partners and set up their account.