Blackmoon crypto fund

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The platform was launched last month by Blackmoon Financial Group, first fund, a high-yield fixed income fund in alternative lending, US, but with Russian roots. Overall, 9, paid accounts contributed to the campaign, the company licensing, and banks partnerships.

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The business, however, wasn't flourishing as the platform attracted less. The ledger can be public or private permissioned than 4, users.

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Blackmoon Crypto creates and maintains framework for tokenized funds to deliver investment opportunities in both the real world and crypto economies. Blackmoon Crypto (BMC) - investment funds using blockchain. Aug 13, [8]. ^ Full Review of Blackmoon Crypto Currency. The company offers consumer installment loans. The company has a dense network branches all over the country and more than 18 years of track record. News. New.
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Each asset class has its own set of protocols put in place to combat their respective forms of abuse. Night Mode. Blackmoon BMC cryptocurrency had suspended operations for seemingly technical reasons. Previously, Blackmoon cryptocurrency boasted a modest 3, users before its suspension. Additionally, investors would get a higher return, because tokenized funds are much more cost-efficient than traditional ones.